> {{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政單位" : "Administration Units" }} > {{ locale == 'tw' ? "營繕二組" : "The 2nd Division of Construction and Maintenance" }}

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "營繕二組" : "The 2nd Division of Construction and Maintenance" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "03-5725763" : "03-5725763" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 5731600
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://bit.ly/3LaALbq
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "服務大樓三樓" : "Service Building 3FL." }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳連杰" : "Lien-Chieh Chen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513169931699
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "葉武宗" : "Wu-Tzung Ye" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技正" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513156431564
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "蔡昇哲" : "Sheng-Che Tsai" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技正" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141831418
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林友勝" : "Lin You-Sheng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技士" : "Associate Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52079
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "劉光庭" : "Kuang-Ting Liu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技士" : "Associate Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141731417
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李榕師" : "LEE JUNG SHIH" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技士" : "Associate Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513140931409
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳建中" : "Chien-Chung Chen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技士" : "Associate Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52077
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "廖啟宏" : "Chi-Hung Liao" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技士" : "Associate Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513154331543
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "楊光立" : "Guang-Li Yang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技佐" : "Junior Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141031410
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "戴勝樟" : "Sheng-Jang Dai" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副工程師" : "Associate Engineer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141131411
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "吳佳珊" : "Chia-San Wu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副工程師" : "Associate Engineer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}513141931419
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "戴雪蘭" : "Shiue-Lan Dai" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副工程師" : "Associate Engineer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}513140631406
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "謝小萍" : "Shiau-Ping Shie" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術專員" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}513127031270
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "鄭水樹" : "Shui-Shu Cheng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術專員" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141231412
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "吳智龍" : "Jr-Lung Wu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術專員" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}513141331413
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "周彥均" : "Yen-Chun Chou" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術專員" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52078
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林泱劭" : "Yang-Shao Lin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}572576352076
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "曾子芳" : "Tzu-Fang Tseng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}572576352079
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "余立富" : "Li-Fu Yu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技工" : "Technical Worker" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52057
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "郭郁芬" : "Yu-Fen Guo" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務工" : "Office Worker" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}52068
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林銘發" : "David Lin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校工外勤班" : "Custodian" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}53005
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "梁世隆" : "Shih-Long Liang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術專員" : "Technical Specialist" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}31269
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "余晉豪" : "Jin-Hao Yu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務工" : "Office Worker" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52081
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "唐孝鈞" : "Hsiao-Chun Tang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務工" : "Office Worker" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}52082