{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校長室" : "Office of the President"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副校長" : "Office of the Senior Vice President"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "高教深耕計畫辦公室" : "Office of Higher Education Sprout Project"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻半導體技術研究中心" : "Center for Advanced Semiconductor Technology Research" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "智慧型藥物與智能生物裝置研究中心" : "Center For Intelligent Drug Systems and Smart Bio-devices" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "文化研究國際中心" : "International Center for Cultural Studies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "新世代功能性物質研究中心" : "Center for Emergent Functional Matter Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "全方位健康長壽跨領域研究中心" : "Interdisciplinary Research Center for Healthy Longevity" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腦科學研究中心" : "Brain Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腫瘤與免疫學研究中心" : "Cancer Progression Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "台灣聯合大學系統辦公室" : "University System of Taiwan"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "秘書處" : "Secretariat"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "綜合業務組" : "Division of Coordination" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "議事組" : "Division of Conference Service" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "公共關係組" : "Division of Public Relations" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "校友中心" : "Division of Alumni Relations" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "性別平等教育辦公室" : "Office of Gender Equality Education" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教務處" : "Office of Academic Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "註冊二組" : "The 2nd Division of Registrar" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "綜合組" : "Division of Admissions" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "數位教學中心" : "Center for eLearning" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "課務二組" : "The 2nd Division of Curriculum" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "推廣教育中心" : "Center for Continuing Education" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "招生策略中心" : "Center for Enrollment Strategies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學發展中心" : "Center for Teaching and Learning Development" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學發展中心-創創工坊" : "Center for Teaching and Learning Development-ICT Open Lab." }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際高教培訓暨認證中心" : "Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "雙語教育與學習推動辦公室" : "Office of Bilingual Education" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "雙語教育與學習推動辦公室-EMI課程教學與學習中心" : "Office of Bilingual Education-EMI teaching and learning center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生事務處" : "Office of Student Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "職涯發展組" : "Career Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "住宿服務二組" : "The 2nd Housing Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生活輔導二組" : "The 2nd Division of Student Assistance" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "課外活動輔導二組" : "The 2nd Division of Extracurricular Activities" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "衛生保健組" : "Health Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "服務學習中心" : "Service-Learning Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "原住民族學生資源中心" : "Indigenous Students Resource Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "總務處" : "Office of General Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "文書組" : "Division of Documentation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務二組" : "The 2nd Division of General Affairs" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "出納二組" : "The 2nd Division of Cashier" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "經營管理二組" : "The 2nd Division of Property and Business Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "營繕二組" : "The 2nd Division of Construction and Maintenance" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "採購組" : "Division of Procurement" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究發展處" : "Office of Research and Development"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究總中心" : "Research Service Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "儀器資源中心" : "Instrumentation Resource Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "企劃二組" : "The 2nd Division of Strategic Planning" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "計畫業務二組" : "The 2nd Division of Project Management" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學術倫理與研究誠信辦公室" : "The Office of Academic Ethics and Research Integrity"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際事務處" : "Office of International Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際人才培育組" : "Division of International Talent Cultivation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際合作組" : "Division of International Collaboration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "策略規劃發展組" : "Division of Strategic Planning" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政組" : "Division of Administration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "境外生事務二組" : "The 2nd Division of Overseas Student Affairs" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "臺日交流推動辦公室" : "Taiwan-Japan Exchanges Office" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室" : "Personnel Office"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室第三組" : "The 3rd Division of Personnel Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室第四組" : "The 4th Division of Personnel Office" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室" : "Accounting Office"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室第一組" : "The 1st Division of Accounting Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室第四組" : "The 4th Division of Accounting Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室第五組" : "The 5th Division of Accounting Office" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康心理中心" : "Mental Health and counseling Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "軍訓室" : "Military Training Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "圖書館" : "Library"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "典藏閱覽組" : "Division of Collection and Circulation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "推廣服務組" : "Division of Extension and Reference Services" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "採訪編目組" : "Division of Acquisition and Cataloging" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "校史特藏組" : "Division of Special Collections" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "系統資訊組" : "Division of System and Information" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "出版社" : "NYCU Press" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊技術服務中心" : "Center for Information Technology Services"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "諮詢服務組" : "Consulting and Network Services Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "網路系統組" : "System Support and Management Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "校務資訊組" : "Management Information System Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術發展組" : "Technology Development Division" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校務大數據研究中心" : "Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人體與行為研究倫理治理中心" : "Research Ethics Center for Human Subject Protection"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "體育室" : "Office of Physical Education"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "場館營運組" : "Field Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學二組" : "The 2nd Division of Teaching" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "活動二組" : "The 2nd Division of Sports Activities" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "理學院" : "College of Science"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電子物理學系" : "Department of Electrophysics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "應用數學系" : "Department of Applied Mathematics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "應用化學系" : "Department of Applied Chemistry" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "物理研究所" : "Institute of Physics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "統計學研究所" : "Institute of Statistics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "理學院碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "科學學士學位學程" : "Undergraduate Honors Program of Interdisciplinary Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "永續化學科技國際研究生博士學位學程" : "Taiwan International Graduate Program of Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "工學院" : "College of Engineering"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "土木工程學系" : "Department of Civil Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "材料科學與工程學系" : "Department of Materials Science and Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "材料科學與工程學系奈米科技碩士班" : "Graduate Program of Nanotechnology ,Department of Materials Science and Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "機械工程學系" : "Department of Mechanical Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境工程研究所" : "Institute of Environmental Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "工學院碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境科技博士學位學程(工學院)(台灣聯合大學系統)" : "International Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science and Technology (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "加速器光源科技與應用博碩士學位學程" : "Graduate Degree Program of Science and Technology of Accelerator Light Source" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "機器人碩士學位學程" : "Graduate Degree Program of Robotics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "機械製造與熱流中心" : "Manufacturing and Thermal Fluid Engineering Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻火箭研究中心" : "Advanced Rocket Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "實習工廠" : "Machine Workshop" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "太空系統工程研究所" : "Institute of Space Systems Engineering" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "電機學院" : "College of Electrical and Computer Engineering"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電子研究所" : "Institute of Electronics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電機工程學系" : "Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電控工程研究所" : "Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電信工程研究所" : "Institute of Communications Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生醫工程研究所" : "Institute of Biomedical Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "光電工程學系" : "Department of Photonics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "半導體工程學系" : "Department of Microelectronics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電機學院碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Electrical and Computer Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電機資訊國際學位學程" : "EECS International Masters and Doctoral Degree Program" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "光電博士學位學程(電機學院)(台灣聯合大學系統)" : "International Ph.D. Program in Photonics (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際化發展辦公室" : "Globalization and Development Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人工智慧技術與應用碩士學位學程" : "Graduate Degree Program of Artificial Intelligence" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻電力電子中心" : "Advanced Power Electronics Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "交大-環球晶圓化合物半導體研究中心" : "NCTU-GWC Advanced Compound Semiconductor Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "緯創-交大嵌入式人工智慧研究中心" : "Wistron-NCTU Embedded Artificial Intelligence Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "先進電光技術與系統技術整合研究中心" : "Center for Integrated Electronics-Optics Technologies and Systems" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "奈米中心" : "Nano Facility Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腦科技中心" : "Brain Science and Technology Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "田家炳光電中心" : "Center of Excellence for Photonics Research" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "奈米科技中心" : "Center for Nano Science and Technology" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊學院" : "College of Computer Science"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊工程學系" : "Department of Computer Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊學院碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Computer Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資策會交大聯合研發中心" : "III-NCTU Joint Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "通訊服務與軟體研究中心" : "Communication Service/Software Laboratory" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊科學與工程研究所" : "Institute of Computer Science and Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "網路工程研究所" : "Institute of Network Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "多媒體工程研究所" : "Institute of Multimedia Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "數據科學與工程研究所" : "Institute of Data Science and Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "網路與資訊系統博士學位學程" : "Graduate Degree Program of Network and Information Systems" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國防資安管理碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Cybersecurity Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "M2M智慧聯網研發中心" : "M2M/IoT R&D Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "巨量資料技術創新中心" : "Big Data Technique Innovation Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "科技犯罪偵查資通訊碩士在職專班" : "Degree Program of Information and Communication for Technology Crime Investigation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資通安全碩士學位學程" : "Graduate Degree Program of Cyber Security" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊安全研究所" : "Institute of Computer and Communications Security" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際資訊碩士班" : "International Graduate Program of College of Computer Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "華邦電子集團-陽明交大研究中心" : "Winbond-NYCU Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際半導體產業學院" : "International College of Semiconductor Technology"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際半導體產業學院碩士班暨博士班" : "Master and Doctoral program of International College of Semiconductor Technology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際半導體產業學院越南境外碩士專班" : "NCTU-ICST Overseas Master Degree Program at VNU University of Science, Vietnam" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "管理學院" : "College of Management"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "工業工程與管理學系" : "Department of Industrial Engineering and Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "管理科學系" : "Department of Management Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊管理與財務金融學系" : "Department of Information Management and Finance" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "科技管理研究所" : "Institute of Management of Technology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊管理研究所" : "Institute of Information Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "運輸與物流管理學系" : "Department of Transportation and Logistics Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "企業管理碩士學位學程(GMBA)" : "Degree Program of Global Business Administration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "高階主管管理碩士學程(EMBA)" : "Degree Program of Master of Business Administration for Executives" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "運籌與供應鏈研究中心" : "Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "管理學院碩士在職專班" : "Degree Programs of Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "金融科技創新研究中心" : "FinTech Innovation Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "王道經營管理研究中心" : "Sustainability Leadership Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康科技創新與管理研究中心" : "Healthcare Innovation and Management Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "科技法律學院" : "School of Law"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "科技法律研究所" : "Institute of Technology Law" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "企業法律中心" : "Legal Center for Enterprise & Entrepreneurship" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "TPP及跨國經貿法律研究中心" : "Center for Trans-Pacific Partnership and" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "金融監理與公司治理研究中心" : "Research Center for Financial Regulation and Corporate Governance" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人文藝術與社會學院" : "College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "外國語文學系" : "Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "外國文學與語言學碩士班" : "Graduate Program of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教育研究所 師資培育中心" : "Institute of Education and Center of Teacher Education" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "傳播研究所" : "Institute of Communication Studies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "應用藝術研究所" : "Institute of Applied Arts" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "音樂研究所" : "Institute of Music" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社會與文化研究所" : "Institute of Social Research and Culture Studies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "英語教學研究所" : "Institute of Teaching English to speakers of other Languages" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "建築研究所" : "Institute of Architecture" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "語言教學與研究中心" : "Language Teaching and Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "文化研究國際中心" : "International Center for Cultural Studies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程" : "International Masters Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫療人文跨領域研究中心" : "Interdisciplinary Medical Humanities Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "聯發科技-陽明交大創新研究中心" : "MediaTek-NYCU Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "物聯網智慧系統研究中心" : "IoT & Intelligent Systems Research"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "廣達-陽明交大聯合AI研究中心" : "Quanta-NYCU Joint AI Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "產學創新研究學院" : "Industry Academia Innovation School"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻半導體研究所" : "Institute of Pioneer Semiconductor Innovation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "智能系統研究所" : "Institute of Artificial Intelligence Innovation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "A世代節能永續運算技術中心" : "Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Computing Center for the Angstrom Era" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "寬能隙化合物半導體中心" : "Wide Bandgap Compound Semiconductor Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "衛星通訊與AIoT研發中心" : "Satellite Communications and AIoT Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人工智慧語音研發中心" : "Speech AI Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "力積電-陽明交大研究中心" : "PSMC-NYCU Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "瑞昱-陽明交大創新研究中心" : "Realtek-NYCU Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國防教育與研究總中心" : "Center for National Defense Education and Research"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "系統工程與科技學士學位學程" : "Undergraduate Degree Program of Systems Engineering and Technology" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "友達.陽明交大聯合研發中心" : "AUO-NYCU Joint Research and Development Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨院學程推展辦公室" : "Cross-Domain Inte gration Promoting Office"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "學士後電子與光子學士學位學程" : "Electronics and Photonics Post-undergraduate Second Degree Program" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅書苑" : "Liberal Arts College"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社群與永續教育中心" : "Sustainable and Peer Education Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人文科學中心" : "Center for Human Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "藝文中心" : "Arts Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "體育教育中心" : "Center for Physical Education and Sports" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "百川學士學位學程" : "Arete Honors Program" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "郵局" : "Post Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "資通安全教學與研究中心" : "The Center for Education and Research in Cybersecurity"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "員生消費合作社" : "Staff and Students Consumer Cooperative"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生宿舍" : "Student Dormitory"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "社會責任推展辦公室" : "Social Responsibility Development Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陽明交大-穩懋聯合技術創新中心" : "NYCU-Win Semiconductor Technology Innovation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "活動中心" : "Student Activity Center"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "麗文圖書生活館-交大店" : "Liwen Campus Bookstore" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "美髮部" : "Hairdressing Shop" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "理髮部" : "Barber Shop" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "樺漢-陽明交大 ESG淨零轉型創新研究中心" : "ESG Innovation Accelerator"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "電子與資訊研究中心" : "Microelectronics and Information Systems Research Center"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人工智慧系統檢測中心" : "AI System Benchmarking and Tuning Lab" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "鴻海-交大聯合研究中心" : "Foxconn-NYCU Joint Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "矽導研發中心" : "NCTU Si-Soft Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "顯示科技聯合研究中心" : "NCTU Display Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電腦視覺研發中心" : "Computer Vision Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "工研院-陽明交大聯合研發中心" : "NYCU and ITRI Joint Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻網路技術研發中心" : "Advanced Networking Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "陽明交大-IBM智慧物聯網與巨量資料分析研發中心" : "NYCU-IBM iIoT Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "複合物半導體研究中心" : "Compound Semiconductor Laboratory" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生醫電子轉譯研究中心" : "Medical Electronic Systems Research Laboratory (MESRL)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境科技及智慧系統研究中心" : "Environmental Technology and Smart System Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "永續發展暨社會責任推動辦公室" : "Office of Sustainable Development and University Social Responsibility"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "防災與水環境研究中心" : "Disaster Prevention and Water Environment Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "高等教育開放資源研究中心" : "Research Center of Higher Educational Resource for Openness"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陽明交大-台積電聯合研發中心" : "NYCU-TSMC Joint Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人文與社會科學研究中心" : "Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "全球公民教育專題研究中心" : "NYCU Center for Global Citizenship Education"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "中華電信-交大創新研究中心" : "CHT-NYCU Innovation Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際產學聯盟總中心" : "Research-Industry Alliance in Chiao Tung university"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國防教育與研究總中心" : "Center for National Defense Education and Research"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "晶片系統研究中心" : "System On Chip Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻科技與系統學術研究中心" : "Frontier Science Technology and System Academic Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "數位醫學暨智慧醫療推動中心" : "Digital Medicine and Smart Healthcare Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陽明交大雷射系統研究中心" : "LIGHTMED Laser System Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "第一餐廳" : "Dining Hall 1"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "湘之坊歐式自助吧" : "Shiangs Cafeteria" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "手作茶飲" : "Hand-Shaken Drinks" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "異國料理" : "Exotic Cuisine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "相信誠實商店(便利商店)" : "Honest Store" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "LA LA kitchen" : "LA LA kitchen" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "第二餐廳1F" : "Dining Hall 1 (1F)"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "茶壜" : "Tea Tank" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "拉亞漢堡" : "Laya Burger" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "玖蔦家火山丼" : "Jiu Niao Jia" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "太祖魷魚羹" : "Taizu Squid Soup" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "賈董的麵" : "I Noodles" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "阿嬤的飯桶" : "Grandma Rice Bucket" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "7-11交大門市" : "7-11 convenience store" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "第二餐廳2F" : "Dining Hall 2 (2F)"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "隆太郎金牌燒臘" : "Ryutaro Golden Roasted Food Restaurant" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "素怡園" : "Su Yi Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "茗松快餐、麵食部" : "Mingsong Fast-Food & Noodles" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "果汁甜品吧" : "Juice & Dessert Bar" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "女二舍餐廳A棟" : "Female Student Dormitory 2 (Building A)"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "全美小吃店" : "Quan Mei Buffet" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "路易莎咖啡" : "LOUISA COFFEE" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "A華滷味" : "A-Hua Lu Wei" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "CL水果大亨" : "Fruit & Juice" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "翁記滷肉飯" : "Taiwanese cuisine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "比司多早午餐" : "Bistro Brunch" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "極麵道" : "Ji Mien Dao" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "天晟燒臘" : "Tien Sheng Char Siu" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "大聯大生活百貨" : "Da Lien Da" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "女二舍餐廳B棟" : "Female Student Dormitory 2 (Building B)"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "全家便利商店" : "FamilyMart" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "麥當勞" : "McDonald's" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "研三舍餐廳" : "Graduate Student Dormitory 3"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "比司多早午餐" : "Bistro Brunch" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "李記小館(燒臘快餐)" : "Li Restaurant" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "恩雅泰式料理" : "SYJ Thai street Corner" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "漢堡王" : "Burger King" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "全家便利商店" : "FamilyMart" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "十三舍(1樓)" : "Dormitory 13 (1F)"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "7-11(迎竹門市)" : "7-11 convenience store" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "奶油廚房" : "Butter Kitchen"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "小木屋" : "Shine Mood Waffle"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校友會" : "NCTU Alumni Association"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "友聲雜誌社" : "The Voice of NCTU Alumni"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "財團法人交大思源基金會" : "Spring Foundation of NCTU"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境保護暨安全衛生中心" : "Center for Environmental Protection, Safety and Health"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "玉山銀行" : "E. Sun Bank"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨院學程推展辦公室" : "Cross-Domain Inte gration Promoting Offic e"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "瑞典查默爾科技大學台灣辦公室" : "Chalmers International Taiwan Office(CITO)"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人工智慧普適研究中心" : "Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Research Labs"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨領域設計科學研究中心" : "Transdisciplinary Design Innovation Shop"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "NVIDIA 陽明交大聯合創新中心" : "NVIDIA-NYCU Innovation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "台灣聯合大學系統文化研究國際中心" : "International Institute for Cultural"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "立方衛星系統研究中心" : "CubeSat Research Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "半導體國際策略合作辦公室" : "Office of International Strategic Cooperation on Semiconductors"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際宣傳辦公室" : "Office of International Promotion and Outreach"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "產學共創處" : "Office of Industry-Academia Co-Creation"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際產學中心" : "International Industry-Academia Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "創新創業中心" : "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "智權管理及推動中心" : "Intellectual Property Management and Promotion Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心" : "Center of Industry Accelerator amd Patent Strategy" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "數據金融創新中心" : "Data Finance Innovation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國防資電科技中心" : "National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at NYCU"}}