> {{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究中心" : "Research Center" }} > {{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻科技與系統學術研究中心" : "Frontier Science Technology and System Academic Research Center" }}

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "前瞻科技與系統學術研究中心" : "Frontier Science Technology and System Academic Research Center" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "52938" : "52938" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://fsc.nycu.edu.tw/
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "電資大樓303室" : "Microelectronics and information Systems Research Center 303 Room" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "周世傑" : "Shyh-Jye Jerry Jou" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "主任" : "Director" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-573147531475
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "曾煜棋" : "Yu-Chee Tseng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副主任" : "Associate Director" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212131366
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "彭立翔" : "Andrea Peng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "辦公室主任" : "Director of Office" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}03-571212159423
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳敏毅" : "Mike Chen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "計畫工程師" : "Project Researcher" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212152938
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "鄭立凡" : "Art Cheng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "計畫工程師" : "Project Researcher" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212152923
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李靖華" : "Kevin Lee" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "計畫工程師" : "Project Researcher" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212159423
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "楊梓洋" : "Zi-Yang Yang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "博士後研究員" : "Post-Doctoral Fellow" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212152923
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "鄭元斌" : "Yuan-Pin Cheng" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "博士後研究員" : "Post-Doctoral Fellow" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}03-571212131501
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "游靜茹" : "Miranda Yu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "專案經理" : "Project Manager" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}03-571212152938
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "田鈺芬" : "YU-FEN TIEN" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "專案經理" : "Project Manager" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}(03)571-212152954