> {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學單位" : "Teaching Units" }} > {{ locale == 'tw' ? "傳播研究所" : "Institute of Communication Studies" }}

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "傳播研究所" : "Institute of Communication Studies" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "31991" : "31991" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "886-3-5727142" : "886-3-5727142" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 886-3-5727143
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: http://ics.nycu.edu.tw
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人社二館" : "HSS Building 2, No. 1001, Daxue Rd. East Dist., Hsinchu City 300093, Taiwan" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "黃惠萍" : "HUANG, HUIPING" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授兼所長" : "Professor Director" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}58222
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李秀珠" : "LI, SHU-CHU SARRINA" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授" : "Professor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}58211
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李峻德" : "LEE, JIUNDE" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副教授" : "Associate Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}(03)513132431324
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳延昇" : "CHEN, YEN-SHEN" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副教授" : "Associate Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}58208
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "羅仕宇" : "LO, SHIH-YU" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副教授" : "Associate Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}58206
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "吳泰毅" : "WU, TAI-YEE" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副教授" : "Associate Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}58209
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "許富淞" : "HSU, FU-SONG" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "助理教授" : "Assistant Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}58220
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "曹慧貞" : "TSAO, Hui-Chen Janet" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}(03)573199131991
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李秀珠老師助理" : "Assistant of Prof. Lee" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李秀珠老師助理" : "Assistant of Prof. Lee" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}(03)513157931579
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "黃惠萍教授-助理" : "HUANG, HUIPING" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "黃惠萍教授-助理" : "Assistant of Prof. Huang" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}58215