{{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究中心" : "Research Center"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社區醫學研究中心" : "Community Medicine Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腫瘤與免疫學研究中心" : "Cancer Progression Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腦科學研究中心" : "Brain Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "睡眠研究中心" : "Sleep Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "防疫科學暨健康一體研究中心" : "Research Center for Epidemic Prevention and One Health" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學工程研發中心" : "Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "數位醫學暨智慧醫療研究中心" : "Digital Medicine and Smart Healthcare Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "ICF暨輔助科技研究中心" : "Research Center of ICF and Assistive Technology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "微菌叢研究中心" : "Microbiota Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康長壽與老化科學研究中心" : "Center for Healthy Longevity and Aging Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "學校衛生研究中心" : "School Health Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "再生醫學與細胞治療研究中心" : "Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "幹細胞研究中心" : "Stem Cell Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "台灣原住民族健康與科技發展研究中心" : "Research Center for Health and Technology Development of Indigenous People of Taiwan" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "口腔醫學研發創新中心" : "Oral Medicine Innovation Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "先進治療研發中心" : "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Advanced Therapeutics Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "創新醫材轉譯研發中心" : "Medical Device Innovation and Translation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康創新中心" : "Health Innovation Center"}}