> {{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政單位" : "Administration Units" }} > {{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生事務處" : "Office of Student Affairs" }}

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生事務處" : "Office of Student Affairs" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28223071" : "28223071" }}
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://ym.sa.nycu.edu.twbinhome.php
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅中心2樓" : "2F,Bo-Ya Center" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "温宏斌" : "Charles H.-P.Wen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學務長 電機系特聘教授" : "Dean of Student Affairs" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}573168131681
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "王子娟" : "Wendy Tzyy-Jiuan Wang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副學務長" : "Deputy Dean of Student Affairs" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67005
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳俞琪" : "Yu-Chi Chen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校聘副學務長" : "Associate Dean of Student Affairs" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67093
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "許家瑜" : "Chia-Yu Hsu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "秘書" : "Secretary" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67332
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林國瑋" : "Kuo-Wei Lin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62266
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "洪韻涵" : "Yun-Han Hong" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62008

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "生活輔導一組" : "The 1st Division of Student Assistance" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "67236" : "67236" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28239726" : "28239726" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 28202690
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://gcs.ym.edu.tw/bin/home.php
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅中心2樓" : "" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林惠理" : "Hui Li Lin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}02-2826723667236
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "代聘" : "0000" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "輔導員" : "Counselor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62212
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "湯心穎" : "Hsin Ying Tang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62023
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "羅婉綺" : "Wan Chi" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "輔導員" : "Senior Clerk" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62207

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "課外活動輔導一組" : "The 1st Division of Extracurricular Activities" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "62302" : "62302" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28203701" : "28203701" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 28262037
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://ead.ym.edu.tw//bin/home.php
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅中心2樓" : "Bo-Ya Center 2F" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "羅鴻基" : "Luo, Hong-Ji" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62284
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "洪惠琳" : "HUNG,HUI-LIN" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62208
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳政宏" : "CHEN, CHENG-HUNG" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62260
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "吳鎮全" : "WU, CHENG-CHUAN" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62287
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林汶智" : "Leo Lin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62267
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "張昭元" : "Jimmy Chang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62269

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "衛生保健組" : "Health Center" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "62358" : "62358" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28211756" : "28211756" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 28209857
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://osa.nycu.edu.tw/health
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅中心1樓" : "1F,Bo-Ya Center" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "緊急救護專線" : "Emergency ambulance hotline" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}2828299528282995
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "陳俞琪" : "Yu-Chi Chen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67093
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "張秀金" : "Hsiu-Chin Chang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "護理師" : "Senior Nurse" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67212
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "賴淑惠" : "Shu-Huei Lai" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "約用護理師" : "Project Nurse" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62952

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "住宿服務一組" : "The 1st Housing Center" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "62307" : "62307" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28277126" : "28277126" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 28206494
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://osa.nycu.edu.tw/housing-ym
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "余哲銘" : "Jimi Yu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}67065
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "吳萌蕙" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組員" : "Senior Clerk" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62329
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "楊雙全" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62307
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "詹皓巖" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62953
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "謝博州" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62317
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "游榮崇" : "Kevin" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62316
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "張依婷" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62335
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "高哲揚" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副管理師" : "Associate Coordinator" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62336
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "黃冠融" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62954
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "徐孝忠" : "Hsu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "工友" : "Maintenance Staff" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}62339
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "周意純" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務工" : "Office Worker" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62954
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "李佩珊" : "" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "助理管理員" : "Assistant Administrator" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62335

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "職涯發展組" : "Career Center" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "" : "" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "28205483" : "28205483" }}
  {{$t('columns.傳真')}}: 28218371
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://job.ym.edu.tw/bin/home.php
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅中心2樓" : "2F,Bo-Ya Center" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "康明軒" : "Ming-Hsuan Kang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "組長" : "Division Head" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}50651
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "劉沛毓" : "Peiyu Liu" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "輔導員" : "Counselor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62165
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "洪韻涵" : "Yun-Han Hong" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}62008