> {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學單位" : "Teaching Units" }} > {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社區健康照護研究所" : "Institute of Community Health Care" }}

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "社區健康照護研究所" : "Institute of Community Health Care" }}
  {{$t('columns.代表分機')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "65381" : "65381" }}
  {{$t('columns.專線電話')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "(02)2826-7000" : "(02)2826-7000" }}
  {{$t('columns.單位網址')}}: https://con.nycu.edu.tw/profile/ICHC/
  {{$t('columns.單位位置')}}: {{ locale == 'tw' ? "北投區立農街二段155號護理館4F及6F" : "4F and 6F, Nursing Center, No. 155, Section 2, Linong Street, Beitou District" }}
{{$t('columns.姓名')}} {{$t('columns.職稱')}} {{$t('columns.性別')}} {{$t('columns.專線電話')}} {{$t('columns.分機')}} {{$t('columns.信箱')}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "黃子庭" : "Huang, Tzu-ting" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授" : "Professor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67016 65323
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "簡莉盈" : "Jian Liying" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授" : "Professor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67142
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "許樹珍" : "Sheu, Shuh-Jen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授兼所長" : "Professor and Director" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67271 65043
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "劉影梅" : "Liu Yingmei" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教授" : "Professor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67361
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "周承珍" : "Zhou Chengzhen" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副教授" : "Associate Professor" }}{{$t('columns.女')}}67176
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "林承霈" : "Lin Chengpei" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "助理教授" : "Assistant Professor" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}67310
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "王至儀" : "Chih-Yi, Wang" }}{{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政專員" : "Administration Officer" }}{{$t('columns.男')}}65381