{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校長室" : "Office of the President"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "副校長" : "Office of the Senior Vice President"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "秘書處" : "Secretariat"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "綜合業務組" : "Division of Coordination" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "議事組" : "Division of Conference Service" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "公共關係組" : "Division of Public Relations" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "校友中心" : "Division of Alumni Relations" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "教務處" : "Office of Academic Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "註冊一組" : "The 1st Division of Registrar" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "課務一組" : "The 1st Division of Curriculum" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學資源組" : "Division of Teaching Resources" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "綜合一組" : "The 1st Division of Admissions" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學發展中心-創客空間" : "Center for Teaching and Learning Development-Makerspace" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "推廣教育中心" : "Center for Continuing Education" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "實習組" : "Division of Internships" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學發展中心" : "Center for Teaching and Learning Development" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "語言學習與寫作中心" : "Language Learning and Writing Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生事務處" : "Office of Student Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生活輔導一組" : "The 1st Division of Student Assistance" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "課外活動輔導一組" : "The 1st Division of Extracurricular Activities" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "衛生保健組" : "Health Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "住宿服務一組" : "The 1st Housing Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "職涯發展組" : "Career Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "總務處" : "Office of General Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "文書組" : "Division of Documentation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "事務一組" : "The 1st Division of General Affairs" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "出納一組" : "The 1st Division of Cashier" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "營繕一組" : "The 1st Division of Construction and Maintenance" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "經營管理㇐組" : "The 1st Division of Property and Business Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "採購組" : "Division of Procurement" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究發展處" : "Office of Research and Development"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究總中心" : "Research Service Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "企劃一組" : "The 1st Division of Strategic Planning" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "計畫業務一組" : "The 1st Division of Project Management" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "儀器資源中心" : "Instrumentation Resource Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際事務處" : "Office of International Affairs"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "行政組" : "Division of Administration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際人才培育組" : "Division of International Talent Cultivation" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際合作組" : "Division of International Collaboration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "境外生事務一組" : "The 1st Division of Overseas Student Affairs" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "策略規劃發展組" : "Division of Strategic Planning" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "圖書館" : "Library"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學圖資組" : "Division of Medical Information Services" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "推廣服務組" : "Division of Extension and Reference Services" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "採訪編目組" : "Division of Acquisition and Cataloging" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "機構典藏組" : "Division of University Archives" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "系統資訊組" : "Division of System and Information" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "資訊技術服務中心" : "Center for Information Technology Services"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "技術發展組" : "Technology Development Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "校務資訊組" : "Management Information System Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "網路系統組" : "System Support and Management Division" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "諮詢服務組" : "Consulting and Network Services Division" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室" : "Personnel Office"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室第一組" : "The 1st Division of Personnel Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "人事室第二組" : "The 2nd Division of Personnel Office" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室" : "Accounting Office"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室第二組" : "The 2nd Division of Accounting Office" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "主計室第三組" : "The 3rd Division of Accounting Office" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校務大數據研究中心" : "Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "體育室" : "Office of Physical Education"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "活動一組" : "The 1st Division of Sports Activities" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "教學一組" : "The 1st Division of Teaching" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學院" : "College of Medicine"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學系" : "Department of Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學系外科學科" : "Department of Surgery" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "臨床醫學研究所" : "Institute of Clinical Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "轉譯醫學博士學位學程" : "Doctoral Degree Program of Translational Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "傳統醫藥研究所" : "Institute of Traditional Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "公共衛生碩士學位學程" : "Master Program of Public Health" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "國際衛生碩士學位學程" : "International Health Program" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "公共衛生研究所" : "Institute of Public Health" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學資訊研究所" : "Institute of Biomedical Informatics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨領域醫學博士學位學程" : "Ph.D. Program of Interdisciplinary Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "心臟血管疾病研究中心" : "Cardiovascular Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫務管理研究所" : "Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "衛生福利研究所" : "Institute of Health and Welfare Policy" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境與職業衛生研究所" : "Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境科技博士學位學程(醫學院)(台灣聯合大學系統)" : "International Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science and Technology (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生理學科暨研究所" : "" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "藥理學研究所" : "Institute of Pharmacology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "解剖學及細胞生物學研究所" : "Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學系熱帶醫學科" : "Department of Tropical Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "急重症醫學研究所" : "Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腦科學研究所" : "Institute of Brain Science" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "中醫學系" : "Department of Chinese Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "智慧醫療與政策管理產業博士學位學程" : "The lndustrial Doctorate Program in Smart Healthcare Management and Policy" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "環境保護暨安全衛生中心" : "Center for Environmental Protection, Safety and Health"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康心理中心" : "Mental Health and counseling Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "軍訓室" : "Military Training Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨院學程推展辦公室" : "Cross-Domain Inte gration Promoting Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "牙醫學院" : "College of Dentistry"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "牙醫學系" : "Department of Dentistry" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "口腔生物研究所" : "Institute of Oral Biology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "口腔組織工程暨生技材料研究所" : "Institute of Oral Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學士班大一大二不分系" : "Interdisciplinary Program for Undergraduates"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "生命科學院" : "School of Life Sciences"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所" : "Department of Life Sciences Institute of Genome Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "神經科學研究所" : "Institute of Neuroscience" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "微生物及免疫學研究所" : "Institute of Microbiology & Immunology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生化暨分子生物研究所" : "Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學資訊研究所" : "Institute of Biomedical Informatics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "分子醫學博士學位學程" : "Program in Molecular Medicine (MMP)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨領域神經科學國際研究生博士學位學程" : "Taiwan International Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生技醫療經營管理碩士在職學位學程" : "Biomedical Executive Master of Business Administration Program" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生技醫療產業博士學位學程" : "Biomedical Industry Ph.D. Program" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨領域神經科學博士學位學程(台灣聯合大學系統)" : "International Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨領域分子醫學碩士學位學程" : "Interdisciplinary Master Program in Molecular Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生命科學研究推動中心(生推中心)" : "Life Sciences Research Promotion Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學暨工程學院" : "College of Biomedical Science and Engineering"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系" : "Department of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science in Medicine" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學影像暨放射科學系" : "Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "物理治療暨輔助科技學系" : "Department of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學工程學系" : "Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生醫光電研究所" : "Institute of Biophotonics" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "數位醫療學士學位學程" : "Bachelor Program in Digital Healthcare" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "光電博士學位學程" : "International Ph.D. Program in Photonics (University System of Taiwan)" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物醫學暨工程科技產業博士學位學程" : "Industry Ph.D. Program of Biomedical Science and Engineering" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "護理學院" : "College of Nursing"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "護理學系" : "Department of Nursing" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "臨床護理研究所" : "Institute of Clinical and Community Health Nursing" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社區健康照護研究所" : "Institute of Community Health Care" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "高效智慧照護研究中心" : "Efficient Smart Care Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "台灣實證卓越中心" : "Taiwan Evidence Based Practice Centre : AJBI Centre of Excellence" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "藥物科學院" : "College of Pharmaceutical Sciences"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "藥學系" : "Department of Pharmacy" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "生物藥學研究所" : "Institute of Biopharmaceutical Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "食品安全及健康風險評估研究所" : "Institute of Food Safety and Health Risk Assessment" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "張平倫癌症暨生物治療研究中心" : "Chong Hin Loon Memorial Cancer and Biotherapy Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫藥品法規科學博士學位學程" : "Ph.D. Program in Regulatory Science and Policy" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人文藝術與社會學院" : "College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "視覺文化研究所" : "Institute of Visual Studies" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "心智哲學研究所" : "Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "科技與社會研究所" : "Institute of Science, Technology and Society" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程" : "" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "跨專業長期照顧與管理碩士學位學程" : "Master Program in Transdisciplinary Long-Term Care and Management"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人體與行為研究倫理治理中心" : "Research Ethics Center for Human Subject Protection"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "人體研究倫理審查委員會A" : "Institutional Review Board A"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "博雅書苑" : "Liberal Arts College"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "藝文中心" : "Arts Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "體育教育中心" : "Center for Physical Education and Sports" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社群與永續教育中心" : "Center for Community and Peer Education" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "研究中心" : "Research Center"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "社區醫學研究中心" : "Community Medicine Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腫瘤與免疫學研究中心" : "Cancer Progression Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "腦科學研究中心" : "Brain Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "睡眠研究中心" : "Sleep Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "防疫科學暨健康一體研究中心" : "Research Center for Epidemic Prevention and One Health" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "醫學工程研發中心" : "Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "數位醫學暨智慧醫療研究中心" : "Digital Medicine and Smart Healthcare Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "ICF暨輔助科技研究中心" : "Research Center of ICF and Assistive Technology" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "微菌叢研究中心" : "Microbiota Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康長壽與老化科學研究中心" : "Center for Healthy Longevity and Aging Sciences" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "學校衛生研究中心" : "School Health Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "再生醫學與細胞治療研究中心" : "Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Therapy" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "幹細胞研究中心" : "Stem Cell Research Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "台灣原住民族健康與科技發展研究中心" : "Research Center for Health and Technology Development of Indigenous People of Taiwan" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "口腔醫學研發創新中心" : "Oral Medicine Innovation Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "先進治療研發中心" : "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Advanced Therapeutics Research Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "實驗動物中心" : "Laboratory Animal Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "永續發展暨社會責任推動辦公室" : "Office of Sustainable Development and University Social Responsibility"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "工程醫學推動辦公室" : "Senior Vice President Office for Engineering Medicine"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "產學共創處" : "Office of Industry-Academia Co-Creation"}}
  {{ locale == 'tw' ? "創新創業中心" : "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center" }}    {{ locale == 'tw' ? "智權管理及推動中心" : "Intellectual Property Management and Promotion Center" }}    

{{ locale == 'tw' ? "創新醫材轉譯研發中心" : "Medical Device Innovation and Translation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "健康創新中心" : "Health Innovation Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "國立陽明交通大學附設醫院" : "National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hospital"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "活動中心管理員室" : "Manager's Room in Auditorium and Activity Center"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "沈力揚基金會" : "Medical scholarship foundation in memory of professor Albert Ly-Young Shen"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "校友總會" : "Alumni Association"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生宿舍" : "Student Dormitory"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "西安街宿舍" : "Xi-An Guest House"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "學生餐廳BEATA Cafeteria" : "BEATA Cafeteria"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "布查花園餐廳" : "L’ escargots French Cuisine"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "郵局" : "Post Office"}}
{{ locale == 'tw' ? "游泳館" : "Swimming Pool"}}